Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2021/07/20

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Subject: [Leica] Fwd: Adapting LM lenses to Fuji gfx mount
From: mak at (Mark Kronquist)
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2021 21:57:21 -0600
References: <>

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Susan Ryan via LUG <lug at>
> Subject: [Leica] Adapting LM lenses to Fuji gfx mount
> Date: July 20, 2021 at 7:38:21 PM MDT
> To: Leica Group <lug at>
> Cc: Susan Ryan <skalte at>
> Reply-To: Leica Users Group <lug at>
> Hey everyone, I?m at my wit?s end, and I can?t find the information I need 
> anywhere. I recently bought a Fujifilm GFX50, along with a 7Artisans 
> adapter so I can use my LM lenses. I can?t trip the shutter. My Metabones 
> adapter and Canon lenses work fine. I can?t find any documentation in my 
> manual GFX manual, anywhere online or at 7Artisans to help me. I can see 
> everything through the viewfinder, and all the displays seem fine, just no 
> shutter when I try to capture an image. Any wisdom about what I?m doing 
> wrong? 
> Sue
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In reply to: Message from skalte at (Susan Ryan) ([Leica] Adapting LM lenses to Fuji gfx mount)