Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/09/02

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Subject: [Leica] IMG: Playing with Fire
From: images at (Tina Manley)
Date: Tue Sep 2 07:50:07 2008
References: <>

At 07:12 AM 9/2/2008, you wrote:
>neg.  I'm not sure what your negs look like, but I found scanning 
>them three times for the shadows, midtones and highlights and 
>combining them in Photomatix Pro.  You can adjust the midtone, 
>highlight and shadow contrast separately that way and combine an 
>image from a much wider dynamic range than your scanner has - it's 
>like digital dodging and burning but looks better than using 
>adjustment layers in PS.  It's probably only worth considering for a 
>few very special images, unless you have plenty of time - it's a 
>very labour intensive process.

Thanks, Marty.  I appreciate your suggestions.  I do have Photomatix 
Pro and am going to try the three scan method as soon as I get back 
home to my scanner.  Are you scanning as tiffs and then converting to 
DNG RAW before using Photomatix?  I'm willing to spend the time, but 
I have several hundred thousand negatives to do ;-)  I may not have 
enough time left!


Tina Manley 

In reply to: Message from freakscene at (Marty Deveney) ([Leica] IMG: Playing with Fire)