Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/07/22

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Subject: [Leica] Re: digital M
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 13:22:39 EDT

I'm sorry, but comments like the following just make me crazy:

...The question here, though, is:  What happens if the company that makes the

cameras you know and love decides to go out on a limb and make a completely

different camera, in the hope of making more money?  And what happens if the

company is so small that it can't really do this without negatively affecting

the cameras _you_ prefer?

Look at it this way:  If Leica cannot make digital and film cameras (and it

cannot), and if it throws its modest resources behind digital cameras, the

classic M will suffer...  

For the record, if the Leica company should, tomorrow, announce that it will 
no longer make cameras and will, instead, produce a line of finely machined 
German quality kazoos, it will hurt my Leica M-3, and my collection of 
lenses, and my Leica R3 and its lenses, not one whit.

They will still be where they always were, in my camera bag, working nicely. 
They will be fully repairable for as long as I ever hope to be alive, and 
perhaps longer. If Leica should make that announcement -- presumably because 
it can't make money selling cameras any more -- my equipment will immediately 
be worth more as a resale item, although I have no intention of ever selling 

The only people who will be hurt are those who are never, ever satisfied with 
the equipment they have now and always want something more, something 
"improved" something to fill that final gap in their alleged ability that 
will, finally, at last, allow them to make good pictures. 

Sadly, that camera will never exist.

c. trentelman