Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1998/03/08

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Subject: [Leica] Leica M vs. R lenses thought
From: ted grant <>
Date: Sun, 8 Mar 1998 12:50:42 -0500

Pascal wrote:

<<<I was thinking in my bed this Sunday morning...

Leica should do some more effort for the R lens series. It seems, with 
the exception of the high-end modular Apo teles and Apo Zooms (which, 
quite frankly, are unaffordable for a non-professional user),>>>>>>>

Pascal mon ami,

You should have turned over and gone back to sleep! :)

As far as the unaffordable lenses. At one time I had similar thoughts even
for a working photographer to purchase and gave Leica hell for making glass
we couldn't afford and what was the point of making them if we couldn't
afford them?

The answer! Just because  "you" can't afford a Mercedes does that mean they
shouldn't be made? So goes the logic for the lenses. 

If one can't afford them that's unfortunate, but obviously some folks can
and if sufficient are sold to warrant production then Leica will make them.

After the many years of hanging back and stagnating in new lens creation,
particularly in the R series they are finally getting on the ball for those
who "work their cameras" for a living. Although the pro market still isn't
their biggest as I understand, it's moving rapidly since the R8 became
available. Look out when motors are available.

Due to their (Leica) lens inactivity I had to buy a Nikon 300mm 2.8 and
have it converted to fit my SL bodies.  When they finally came out with the
280mm 2.8, 10 years later!!!!!!! Now that's what I call fast re-action
response to the needs of the professionls using Leica, I bought one
immediately and sold the Nikon. 

Without question the difference cut in film appearance jumped overnight. It
was great, but it was a hell of a long wait. 

I feel they are generally on the ball producing glass, we professionals and
amateurs, have  more than an edge for better photographs. If that means
some folks can't buy their favourite lens at the moment, it will just
encourage them to save their nickles, dimes and dollars ( Francs, Marks,
Pounds) until they can.

As you well know, they don't do anything in a hurry at Leica, preferring to
create the optimum quality first and be late, than create a piece of junk
that falls apart by being in a rush for the market.

They are doing nicely, although there are some who will disagree with me as
they have been waiting "months for a lens." All I can say to them, "Hey you
should be so lucky, I waited ten years!" :)
